Protecting freedom of speech on university campuses, Who is Canada's best athlete? & Sending Canada's National Women's Hockey Team to the Beijing Olympics

Published: Dec. 24, 2021, 4:35 a.m.

b"University campuses are supposed to be the homes of debate and different ideas however that's slowly becoming not the case anymore as certain topics become taboo to talk about at all. Is anyone doing anything to protect full freedom of speech on university campuses?\\n\\nGuest: Dr. Mark Mercer, President, Society for Academic Freedom & Scholarship; Chair & Professor, Philosophy, Saint Mary's University\\n\\n-\\n\\nCanada produces many outstanding elite athletes who are internationally recognized as such but when it comes down to it, who should be honoured as the best?\\n\\nGuest: Steve Foxcroft, Sports Broadcaster, NFL Chain Gang Member, NBA Court-side Administrator, Referee & Vice-President, Fluke Transport\\n\\n-\\n\\nJust because the NHL has announced that it's athletes won't be attending the upcoming Beijing Olympics, doesn't mean that world-class hockey players won't be competing. Canada's national women's hockey team will be going but do they share the same concerns? Scott welcomes one of Team Canada's players to talk about that and more.\\n\\nGuest: Renata Fast, #14 on Team Canada's National Women's Hockey Team"