Podcast - Why do we create conspiracy theories? He killed 3 children and their grandfather, now he's getting parole after just 4 years in jail, how? Who's the greatest athlete you've never heard of?

Published: April 29, 2020, 2:23 a.m.

b'With a global event such as COVID-19, it\'s only a matter of time before the conspiracy theories begin. Are we distrustful by nature?\\n\\nGuest: Jeremy Cohen, PhD student, Department of Religious Studies, McMaster University\\n\\n-\\n\\nHe killed 3 children and their grandfather while driving drunk and was sentenced to 10 years in jail. He\'s been granted day parole just 4 years into that sentence. How can that be and do people have a right to be outraged by this?\\n\\nGuest: Dr. J. Scott Kenney, Professor, Department of Sociology, Memorial University, victim of crime specialist & Board Member of Canadian Resource Centre for Victims of Crime\\n\\n-\\n\\nCan you guess who the best Canadian athlete you\'ve never heard of is? Do you know who won the first gold medal for Canada? Defeating adversity of all kinds, this person has an outstanding story that brought them all the way to the Olympics but just who were they?\\n\\nGuest: Mark Hebscher, Author of "The Greatest Athlete You\\u2019ve Never Heard Of." & sports broadcaster'