Podcast - What's the plan in case schools can't open in the fall? Is there a chance COVID-19 has helped the real estate business? Why have these '80s artists been snubbed by the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame

Published: May 6, 2020, 1:46 a.m.

b"There's the potential for schools, universities and colleges to stay closed come the fall. Plans need to be put in place just in case this happens so just what are they?\\n\\nGuest: Sean Van Koughnett, Associate Vice-President (Students & Learning) & Dean of Students\\n\\n-\\n\\nThere's no question that COVID-19 has impacted home sales and the real estate business as a whole. Has the impact been beneficial in any way or has the pandemic caused more problems than solutions?\\n\\nGuest: Rob Golfi, Hamilton Real Estate Agent with RE/MAX\\n\\n-\\n\\nThe Rock & Roll Hall of Fame has sparked many a debate over what rock & roll really is and whether some artists belong in it at all. Despite many artists being inducted throughout the years, there are still some who absolutely belong but have never been given the honour, why is that?\\n\\nGuest: Alan Cross, Music historian, author of 'A Journal of Musical Things' & host of 'The Ongoing History of New Music'"