Podcast - What's it like to have COVID-19 a.k.a. Coronavirus? Could we see sports teams fold as leagues suspend their seasons?

Published: March 14, 2020, 2:05 a.m.

b"You've heard about COVID-19 and how events are still falling to cancellations and suspensions all over the place. Something that you haven't heard much about is what it's like to have COVID-19 (a.k.a. coronavirus) or what life is like while you have it. Scott tackles that issue by talking with someone who's not only been infected with it but survived.\\n\\nGuest: Rose Yerex, COVID-19 survivor\\n\\n-\\n\\nCould the cancelled championships and suspended seasons of pretty much every major sports league cause some teams to fold? What about the broadcasters who rely on the sports world?\\n\\nGuest: Dr. Michael Naraine, Assistant Professor of Sports Management, Brock University"