Podcast - What's "higher order transit" and how will it be paid for? How did a Hamilton teacher find himself playing Terry Fox? & Sports Talk with Don Robertson

Published: April 14, 2020, 2:17 a.m.

b'It\'s back! LRT has returned along with a bunch of other transportation options for Hamilton courtesy of the transportation committee. What does "higher order transit" mean and where will the money for this come from?\\n\\nGuest: Judi Partridge, Ward 15 Councillor, City of Hamilton\\n\\n-\\n\\nAny good Canadian knows the story of Terry Fox and his Marathon for Hope. Believe it or not, there\'s a Hamilton teacher with an interesting connection to Terry\'s story because he was the body double for the character of Terry Fox in the 2005 movie. Scott speaks with him to find out more about his paralympic career, playing Terry Fox\'s body and more.\\n\\nGuest: Grant Darby, Hamilton teacher, paralympic triathlete & actor\\n\\n-\\n\\nAs sports broadcasts put old games back on repeat, some are worth watching and others aren\'t. Which ones are you watching? Over the weekend, the XFL filed for bankruptcy. Could this be marking the end of challengers to the big leagues like the NHL, NFL, NBA and more? Scott talks with Don Robertson about these questions and more.\\n\\nGuest: Don Robertson, Owner and Head Coach of the Dundas Real McCoys'