Podcast - What you can do to help small businesses in Hamilton, What can be done if you're between selling and buying a house? & Sports Talk with Don Robertson

Published: March 31, 2020, 1:55 a.m.

b"Small businesses all across Hamilton are being hammered in nearly every way but a way to help them out has come along. Buying gift cards may seem like a small thing but it's easier and more helpful than you might think for the businesses who call Hamilton home.\\n\\nGuest: Joe Citino from Shop. Eat. Play.\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0 Sam Holdridge from Hometown Hub\\n\\n-\\n\\nThere are a lot of Canadians who are stuck between selling their old house and buying a new one. One of the biggest problems this causes is the fact that there's no home for them to go to. What can be done to minimize the number of these cases?\\n\\nGuest: Murtaza Haider, Professor of Real Estate Management at Ryerson University, Columnist with Financial Post, Director of Research with Urban Analytics Insitute\\n\\n-\\n\\nWhat's the worst sports jersey from the past? If you could go back to witness any game from Toronto sports history, which one would you choose? These questions and more get answered in Sports Talk with Don Robertson.\\n\\nGuest: Don Robertson, Owner and Head Coach of the Dundas Real McCoys"