Podcast - What counts as an essential service? The Around the Bay Road Race rescheduled & Sports Talk with Don Robertson

Published: March 24, 2020, 2 a.m.

b"According to the provincial government, non-essential workers will not be returning to work for the next two weeks. This leaves a grey-zone because what is considered essential hasn't been fully explained. Scott looks to find an answer to this question.\\n\\nGuest: Brian Kingston, Vice-President, Business Council of Canada\\n\\n-\\n\\nNorth America's oldest long distance road race has been delayed to November. This couldn't have been an easy task due to the uncertainty that COVID-19 has brought nearly everywhere. Scott gets the inside line into what it takes to reschedule The Around the Bay Road Race.\\n\\nGuest: Anna Lewis, Race Organizer of The Around The Bay Road Race\\n\\n-\\n\\nThe Canadian Olympic Committee has made the call that Canadian athletes won't be attending the Tokyo Olympics due to COVID-19 concerns. Is this the right call to make despite the fact that there's athletes who have already qualified?\\n\\nGuest: Don Robertson, Owner & Head Coach, Dundas Real McCoys"