Podcast - Taxes and financial literacy is coming to Ontario elementary school classrooms; Is there a serious threat of Alberta separating from the rest of Canada? Is there a stigma around MMA fighters who quit during a fight?

Published: June 24, 2020, 2:20 a.m.

b"Ontario's government is looking to change the math curriculum. Students in elementary school will be taught about finances and what goes into being smart with money. Many people have argued for this to be done and now that it is, will it be a resounding success?\\n\\nGuest: Teresa Cascioli, author of M is for Money\\n\\n-\\n\\nAlberta was crying out for help before COVID-19 came along and they're still in need of help. The feeling of abandonment was felt by the province and now there are some Albertans calling for separation from Canada. What's the likelihood of this actually happening and where do things currently stand between Alberta and the rest of Canada?\\n\\nGuest: Rob Breakenridge, host of Afternoons with Rob Breakenridge, 770 CHQR\\n\\n-\\n\\nA UFC prospect threw in the towel between rounds despite his coach's encouragement to keep going. What role does a coach play during a fight and is there a stigma among fighters who quit fights? Scott turns to a local Hamiltonian who's spent a lot of time inside the octagon to find out more.\\n\\nGuest: Jeff Joslin, retired professional fighter, former UFC fighter & owner of Joslin's Mixed Martial Arts"