Podcast - Students need jobs & farms need workers, why aren't they working together? What's happened in North Korea? & Sports Talk with Don Robertson?

Published: April 28, 2020, 1:53 a.m.

b"Students who would typically be working summer jobs to pay for their next round of schooling, are being given money from the government for staying home to help them since those summer jobs aren't all there. Farm operations are needing help but the migrant workers they would normally hire aren't allowed to come work. Could our students be able to help out our farmers?\\n\\nGuest: Hayden Dooney, Simcoe-area apple farmer & member of The Norfolk Fruit Growers' Association\\n\\n-\\n\\nThere are rumblings coming out of North Korea saying Kim Jong Un, the country's dictator, is in trouble medically. Whether he's died, dying or at risk of dying, who would lead North Korea after Kim Jong Un and how would that influence the international community?\\n\\nGuest: Jack Kim, Founder, board member & special advisor, HanVoice Canada\\n\\n-\\n\\nDepending on how you watched the NFL draft, you may have felt like every player drafted had a sob story of some sort and that may be by design but why? Are you ok with it? How feasible is a professional women's hockey league and is it just a matter of coverage and air time in order for it take off? These questions and more get answered in Sports Talk with Don Robertson.\\n\\nGuest: Don Robertson, Head Coach and Owner of the Dundas Real McCoys & Broker of Record, ComChoice Realty"