Podcast - Should high schoolers be walking 3km to school? How is working from home helping people save money?

Published: May 7, 2020, 12:29 a.m.

A debate is raging between the Catholic school board and some parents on the Stoney Creek mountain over whether their kids should be walking 3 kilometres to Bishop Ryan Catholic Secondary School. Are high school students mature enough and capable of walking to school and crossing intersections or should they be provided a bus to take them to high school? Scott opens the phone lines to get your opinion on this.\n\n-\n\nWhile the economic hit we've taken as a result of COVID-19 has been enormous, there might be a silver lining. With employees working from home, driving less, going out less and more, they are finding that they're saving more money than before. How much is this helping Canadians?\n\nGuest: Sean Moir, Portfolio manager, Mandeville Private Client Inc.