Podcast - Price of parking in Hamilton set to rise, will the Tokyo Olympics get cancelled? & a tour of slang from across Canada

Published: March 3, 2020, 2:23 a.m.

b"Everyone likes lower taxes but that's got to come at a cost somewhere else. Council has decided that place will be at the parking meter both on Hamilton's streets and municipal parking lots. While the price of parking will go up here, how will it lower taxes everywhere else?\\n\\nGuest: Jason Farr, Ward 2 Councillor, City of Hamilton\\n\\n-\\n\\nCOVID-19, a.k.a. coronavirus, has been shutting events down around the world and the next major event on the chopping block is the Olympics that are set to be held in Japan later this year. There's been an incredible investment already that's put it over budget, has too much money been spent to stop the event?\\n\\nGuest: Dr. Jules Boykoff, political science professor at Pacific University & author of 4 books on the Olympics\\n\\n-\\n\\nBeing the second largest country in the world, Canada has many people spread far and wide which yields different ways of speaking over time. Although French and English are our two official languages, there's many words that mean different things depending on where you are. Scott takes Ben on a coast to coast quiz on Canadian slang."