Podcast - Is it time to start laying off public employees? & Are private zoos anything like that on Tiger King?

Published: April 16, 2020, 12:22 a.m.

b"The City of Hamilton is losing money which means the taxpayer is going to have to pay the difference due to the fact that municipalities can't run deficits by law. Councillor Terry Whitehead caught flak for asking if cutting spending, which would likely cause public employees to be laid off, could help fix this. While Hamiltonians face two options to fix this problem, cut spending now or raise taxes later, could there be a third option?\\n\\nGuest: Terry Whitehead, Ward 14 Councillor\\n\\n-\\n\\nNow that everyone staying home, Netflix has become the new norm and as such, It seems like everyone has seen the show Tiger King. The show makes it seem like owning and taking care of big cats like tigers is full of mayhem and craziness that you can't find anywhere other than the days of the Wild West. How true-to-life is Tiger King? Are private zoos anything like that on tv?\\n\\nGuest: Jennifer Stallman, Owner of Brantford Twin Valley Zoo"