Podcast - How will an expected national debt of around $250 billion affect Hamilton? Are our children forgetting their schooling because of COVID-19? Are broadcasters doing so without pants?

Published: May 1, 2020, 2:15 a.m.

b'The government is borrowing more money than ever and that\'s expected to bring the national debt up from around $20 billion to around $250 billion. A debt that high is going to hit and it\'s going to hit Canada really, really hard. How will this affect Hamilton and those who live here?\\n\\nGuest: John Paul Danko, Ward 8 Councillor\\n\\n-\\n\\nEveryone is familiar with the phrase \'use it or lose it\'. This is true in many cases of life but what about our children and their schooling? If some of the things they\'re taught gets lost over the summer break, what is happening as a result of the time lost due to COVID-19?\\n\\nGuest: Vanessa Vakharia, Founder of The Math Guru & author of "Math Hacks"\\n\\n-\\n\\nIf you didn\'t already know, a lot of the people on television are dressed nicely from the waist up but are a little more casual from the waist down. With a lot of people working from home, TV and radio personalities included, does that give the green light for pants-less broadcasting?\\n\\nGuest: Jamie West, Executive Producer of "The Scott Radley Show" & Host of "What Were You Thinking" on Global News Radio 900 CHML'