Podcast - How big of an operating deficit is Burlington facing? Will we see employees return to the office? Is television's fall season actually going to happen in the fall?

Published: June 19, 2020, 1:37 a.m.

b"Hamilton isn't the only municipality that's staring down the barrel of an operating deficit. Burlington is finding itself in a similar situation but just how much of a deficit are they looking at and when you consider it's illegal for a municipality to run an operating deficit, how will it be solved?\\n\\nGuest: Mayor Marianne Meed Ward, Mayor of Burlington\\n\\n-\\n\\nThe COVID-19 pandemic has forced many people to work from home. As things begin to settle back into some form of normalcy, will we see workers return to the office or will working from home be the 'new normal'?\\n\\nGuest: Dr. Catherine Connelly, professor of organizational behaviour, DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University\\n\\n-\\n\\nSome TV shows are beginning to get back into production and as such, networks are announcing their fall season lineups with just one catch, a bunch of them have no date! What could this mean for the upcoming return of television?\\n\\nGuest: Bill Brioux, television & film commentator"