Podcast - Does Canada have enough food? & Sports Talk with Don Robertson

Published: March 17, 2020, 1:41 a.m.

b"It appears that a major player that's sparked hoarding and the buying of random things en masse is fear. One of those fears is that we might not have enough food in Canada so Scott finds out if we actually do.\\n\\nGuest: Dr. Sylvain Charlebois, Senior Director, Agri-Food Analytics Lab, Dalhousie University\\n\\n-\\n\\nCOVID-19 has caused the sports world to be put on hold for the time being but that isn't stopping Sports Talk with Don Robertson! Since there isn't anything live for the sports broadcasters to air, what would you like to see in the meantime?\\n\\nGuest: Don Robertson, Owner & Head Coach, Dundas Real McCoys"