Math is racist, people want to raise $1.6 million for a pig-friendly MRI and a pre-tournament loss is an embarrassment to Canada. Will you watch Team Canada without knowing any players? Why do people love conspiracy theories?

Published: Oct. 26, 2017, 2:12 a.m.

b'The world has lost its mind! First off, a math professor at the University of Illinois has published a paper saying that math is inherently racist and promotes white priviledge. Second, people are trying to raise $1.6 million dollars to buy a pig-friendly MRI device to diagnose a 650 pound pig. Lastly, the first of six pre-tournament games between Canada and the USA\'s women\'s hockey teams started off with Canada being beaten 5-2. Team Canada\'s head coach described the loss as "an embarassment to our country." What is going to happen when something that actually matters happens?-It\'s sometimes said that Canada could dress a whole team of amateur players and still be a contender to win the Hockey World Cup but what about the Olympics? Would you be willing to wake up at 3am to watch Team Canada even if it\'s a team of players you\'ve never heard of?\\n\\nGuest: Bubba O\'Neil, Sports Anchor at CHCH-With the upcoming release of documents about JFK\'s assassination, conspiracy theories are starting to appear once again. In some cases these conspiracy theories hold some validity but in other cases they are so far out there that they can\'t possibly be true! Whatever your opinion is on them, you have to ask yourself, why do people love conspiracy theories so much?\\n\\nGuest: Mark Busser, Professor of Political Science at McMaster University'