Is there a curse on all of Buffalo's pro sports teams? & Why isn't a Canadian playing the Grey Cup's half-time show?

Published: Nov. 11, 2022, 2:51 a.m.

b"Is there a curse on all of Buffalo's sports teams? It seems like they haven't been able to catch a break for the longest team and this year was looking like it could be the one for the Bills until their superstar quarterback got injured. While this hasn't completely wiped their chances right off the board, it has certainly followed in the footsteps of many other unfortunate events of years and teams past. What's going on with Buffalo?\\nGuest: Steve Foxcroft, Sports Commentator, NFL Chain Gang Member & Vice President, Fluke Transport\\n-\\nThe CFL's Grey Cup championship game garners a lot of attention from Canadians and despite CFL football identifying heavily with all things Canadian (after all it is called the Canadian Football League) why isn't the performing artist for the half-time show a Canadian musician?\\nGuest: Eric Alper, Publicist and Music Commentator"