Is Putin's hold on Russia slipping? Why write a book about someone who was PM for 2 months? & Sports Talk with Don Robertson

Published: Dec. 20, 2022, 3:47 a.m.

b'As the war in Ukraine progresses and the Russian invasion continues to be repelled, people are starting to question Putin\'s hold on Russia. What are the chances that a coup is waiting to strike?\\nGuest: Dr. Elliot Tepper, Emeritus Professor of Political Science with Carleton University\\n-\\nWriting a book is no small. There is a lot of time that goes into the research and actual writing which means you\'ve got to pick a topic that won\'t bore you nor your reader. With that in mind, why would someone want to write a book about a prime minister who was in office for a little over 2 months? Let\'s ask him!\\nGuest: Steve Paikin, Host, The Agenda, TVO\\n-\\nWhen you move to a new country and its team plays against your former home country\'s team, who should you cheer for? If one of your players makes a really weird play that doesn\'t work out, do you scream at them or just go, "what were you thinking?" in the locker room? These questions and much, much more gets answered and debated in this week\'s edition of Sports Talk with Don Robertson.\\nGuest: Don Robertson, Head Coach & Owner, Dundas Real McCoys & Broker of Record, ComChoice Realty'