Is our healthcare really as good as we like to say it is? How essential is travel to our psyochology? & Who do you want to see on the $5 bill?

Published: Nov. 11, 2020, 3:55 a.m.

b'Canadians can often be cited as loving their "free healthcare" and for a country that spends the second most amount of money on it, we should! Despite this, is our healthcare really as good as we like to say it is?\\n\\nGuest: Bacchus Barua, Associate Director, Health Policy Studies, Fraser Institute\\n\\n-\\n\\nCOVID-19 has caused many vacation plans cancelled and delayed even more travel plans. Could that be impacting our mental health and psychology? More specifically, is traveling and a change of scenery good for you?\\n\\nGuest: Dr. Michael Brein, aka The Travel Psychologist, Author, Lecturer & Adventurer\\n\\n-\\n\\nThe Bank of Canada is preparing to put a new face on the $5 bill and as such, has released a list of names of people who they\'re considering. Scott opens the phone lines to see who you like from the list or who you\'d rather see grace our currency. Should we have multiple designs for each bill to mitigate any discouragement & upset?'