Is Hamilton's LRT "shovel ready"? How corrupt is Canada compared to the world? & How will TV coverage of the upcoming Olympics differ from the past?

Published: Jan. 28, 2022, 4 a.m.

b'Is Hamilton\'s LRT "shovel ready"? It turns out that the answer is a little more dependent on what your definition of "shovel ready" happens to be.\\n\\nGuest: Keanin Loomis, President & CEO, Hamilton Chamber of Commerce & Hamilton Mayoral Candidate\\n\\n-\\n\\nTransparency International\'s Corruptions Perception Index (CPI) has ranked Canada as 13th in the world where it\'s tied with Austria, Ireland, Estonia & Iceland (Ranked 1 means least corrupt). What has Canada done to earn it this spot on the list and are we trending towards a better rating or a worse one?\\n\\nGuest: James Cohen, Executive Director, Transparency International Canada\\n\\n-\\n\\nWe\'re not too far out from the Olympics however you may have noticed that there hasn\'t be a huge push to promote the event on TV. How should the TV industry go about their coverage of the Olympics? How will these Games\' coverage differ from Olympics past?\\n\\nGuest: Bill Brioux, TV blogger,'