Is Hamilton trying too hard to impress Toronto? Changing reactions to the arrest of Tiger Woods, and the anniversary of Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band

Published: June 2, 2017, 2:36 a.m.

b'How far should Hamilton go to impress the people of Toronton, and to what ends?\\n\\n-\\n\\nWhat can be learned from the dashcam video of the arrest of Tiger Woods? How will people\'s opinions change once they have seen the footage? And more from the world of sports.\\n\\nGuest: Rick Zamperin,\\xa0Assistant Program/News/Senior Sports Director at AM900 CHML\\n\\n-\\n\\nWhat made Sgt. Pepper\'s Lonely Hearts Club Band such a memorable, influential album? And what does it take to translate the music of the album into a one-man band performance?\\n\\nGuest: Christopher Clause, musician and "Hamilton\'s Beatles Guy"'