Is a recession worse than inflation itself? What does the law say about the police's use of your DNA? & How does music help reconnect with dementia patients?

Published: Sept. 15, 2022, 1:35 a.m.

b"What is worse for us to face, a recession or inflation? That's seemingly the choice that's having to be made as the fight against inflation continues but could a third, and albeit worse, option be on the table, we get both a recession and more inflation?\\nGuest: Dr. Eric Kam, Professor, Macroeconomics, Toronto Metropolitan University\\n-\\nIf you voluntarily give your DNA to the police and it gets used for more than just that case, were your rights violated? Where is the line drawn and if it hasn't been drawn yet, where should it be drawn?\\nGuest: Jeff Manishen. Former prosecutor; Criminal Defence Counsel, Ross & McBride LLP\\n-\\nIt turns out that music is a fantastic tool for reconnecting with people who are afflicted with diseases like dementia. How does our brain interact with music and what is the response actually like in someone with dementia?\\nGuest: Rachael Finnerty, Registered Psychotherapist, Certified Music Therapist & Music Therapy Academy Founder"