Is a public sector hiring freeze what Ontario needs? How should we be naming our new schools? & Sports Talk with Don Robertson

Published: June 19, 2018, 1:29 a.m.

b"Premier-designate Doug Ford has put the public service under a hiring freeze as part of a series of measures meant to limit spending as he re-examines the province\\u2019s books.\\n\\nIs this a good first step that sends the right kind of message to Ontarians?\\n\\nGuest: Brad Clark, former Hamilton city councillor, former MPP and Minister of Transport & Labour, currently a principal at Maple Leaf Strategies\\n\\n-There continues to be debate over the name of the new public high school being built at Scott Park. The name put forward, Shannen Koostachin Secondary School, was rejected in a 6-5 vote by trustees,\\xa0with those opposed saying there ought to be more student feedback.How should we be naming our new schools?Guest: Larry Pattison, Ward 3 school trustee-For the first time since Scott returned from vacation, he and Don Robertson sit down for their usual Monday night sports chat. They discuss Phil Mickelson's questionable performance at the U.S. Open, how the sheer amount of strikeouts are affecting MLB viewership, and what to expect from the upcoming NHL and NBA drafts."