Is a housing crash imminent? How does provincial culture impact how regions feel about each other? & Should strong mayor powers play into who'll you vote for?

Published: Oct. 21, 2022, 2:04 a.m.

b"Housing prices are dropping which some are celebrating while others are concerned. Could this housing market lead to a crash?\\nGuest: Dr. Eric Kam, Professor, Macroeconomics, Toronto Metropolitan University\\n-\\nHow do the different regions of Canada feel about each other? Do we properly understand the culture of the provinces and are they properly presented?\\nGuest: Charles Breton, Executive Director, Centre of Excellence on the Canadian Federation\\n-\\nThere's a likelihood that strong mayors powers will be granted to a number of municipalities in Ontario within the next term. Hamilton is one such municipality which begs the question of how that could, and if it even should, play into who you'll vote for.\\nGuest: John Mascarin, Partner, Aird & Berlis LLP"