Immunity passports, Olympics welcomes breakdancing & Colin Mochrie talks new improv show, early gigs, improvising for crowds and more

Published: Dec. 10, 2020, 3:55 a.m.

b"Now that COVID-19 vaccines are beginning to roll out around the world, the question of how do we confirm if someone has been inoculated has been raised. A proposed idea is that of an immunity passport but the catch is that if you're not vaccinated then you can't attend theatres, restaurants and possibly even work among other things. Could something like this actually happen and what path could it start leading us down?\\n\\nGuest: Michael Bryant,\\xa0 Executive Director and General Counsel, Canadian Civil Liberties Association and former Attorney General of Ontario\\n\\n-\\n\\nThe International Olympic Committee has announced it's newest Olympic sport, breakdancing. Is this an example of the IOC being ridiculous or could this be just what the Olympic Games needs?\\n\\nGuest: Steve Foxcroft, Sports Broadcaster, NFL Chain Gang Member, not-so-long-time NBA Court-side Administrator & Vice-President, Fluke Transport\\n\\n-\\n\\nColin Mochrie and Brad Sherwood, two cast members from the TV show 'Whose Line Is It Anyway?', are teaming up to bring their new interactive improv comedy show 'Stream of Consciousness' to you at home! Colin joins Scott to talk all about this new show as well as what it's like improvising for an audience, the results of mistaking bat people for fat people and more.\\n\\nGuest: Colin Mochrie, Professional Improviser, Actor & Author, 'Not Quite the Classics'"