How will the discovery of 'kingpin' stem cells influence cancer treatment? What kind of advice do the Premier's of Canada have for someone about to get married? Why is Chernobyl turning into a tourist destination?

Published: April 17, 2019, 1:36 a.m.

b"A new stem cell has been discovered by researchers at McMaster University. It's being called the 'kingpin' of stem cells but just what are they really and how will this discovery influence the diagnosis and treatment of cancer? How long will it be before we see the impact of this discovery? Years? Decades?\\n\\nGuest: Dr. Mick Bhatia, Director of McMaster University's Stem Cell and Cancer Research Institute\\n\\n-\\n\\nPeople often search for advice before they get married and Bob Maguire is no different. What does set him apart is who he asked for advice from, the Premiers of Canada's provinces. Who has responded to him and what did they say?\\n\\nGuest: Bob Maguire, Former Mohawk College Broadcast Student & Husband-to-be\\n\\n-\\n\\nChernobyl is a name that sparks both intrigue and horror. A nuclear meltdown rendered the Ukrainian town uninhabitable but after 32 years, it's becoming a tourist destination that's hosting around 72,000 people a year. Why would someone want to visit Chernobyl and if people are returning, does that mean it's safe? Scott talks with someone who's been there and what it's like.\\n\\nGuest: Cheryl Reed, Journalist & Professor of Magazine, News and Digital Journalism at Syracuse University's Newhouse School"