How will the City of Hamilton deal with potholes in 2019? Should the punishment for crimes be based on outcome or intent? Why are university sports handled differently in Canada than in the U.S.?

Published: Feb. 1, 2019, 2:33 a.m.

b'With the temperature rising and falling repeatedly over the last few weeks, Hamilton has experienced the ideal conditions for the development of potholes. Dan McKinnon of Public Works joins Scott to talk about this and what will be done.Dan McKinnon, of Public Works Hamilton-\\n\\nShould the consequences faced by distracted and reckless drivers be different, are they different crimes altogether? Should we base punishments more on intent and the risk involved rather than the consequences? Scott digs into the issue and gets the opinions of callers.-Neil Lumsdon, Director Brock Sports at Brock University, is about to retire from his position. But before that, he joins Scott to talk about the intersection of education, mental health and university sports. Why does Canada do things differently than the U.S., why do our university games not earn as much attention?Neil Lumsdon, Director Brock Sports at Brock University'