How might the US midterms impact Canada-US relations? Why would you make jewelry with semen? & Why did government employees get bonuses regardless of performance?

Published: Nov. 9, 2022, 4:15 a.m.

b"What can we expect to see out of the US' midterm elections? How might the outcomes impact Canada and its relationship with the United States?\\nGuest: Dr. Laura Dawson, Executive Director, Future Border Coalition\\n-\\nJewelry can be made out of many different materials but this lady has discovered you can make it out of more than just metal and gems. Try something more along the lines of breast milk or semen!\\nGuest: Amanda Booth, Artist & Founder, Trinkets by Amanda Booth\\n-\\nWhile many of us don't love paying taxes, it's understood why we do. Unfortunately, it seems our tax dollars aren't always being funneled towards healthcare, education and roads. Lots of bonuses are being paid out to crown corporations and their employees sometimes regardless of performance! We want our taxes to pave roads and teach kids not line the pockets of people who are already excellently paid.\\nGuest: Franco Terrazzano, Federal Director, Canadian Taxpayers Federation"