How is the federal election going? Why is the price of meat rising? Will we run out of band names?

Published: Sept. 8, 2021, 1:32 a.m.

b"How is this election moving along? Are things going the way we expected when the writ was initially dropped?\\n\\nGuest: Kate Harrison, Vice Chair, Summa Strategies\\n\\n-\\n\\nThe price of meat is rising rapidly and there's no denying it. The question, however, is why? Has it been the pandemic alone that's caused this spike or is there something more to it and is it time to start stashing tonnes of meat in your freezer?\\n\\nGuest: Dr. Sylvain Charlebois a.k.a. The Food Professor, Senior Director, Agri-Food Analytics Lab, Dalhousie University\\n\\n-\\n\\nNaming a band is a daunting task because whether you like it, or not, it's going to stick with you forever. Some names have cool stories behind them while others stem back to a spur-of-the-moment idea. Unfortunately, only so many names can exist before we enter the realm of bands with weird characters and symbols, with no way of pronouncing them, in their name. What are bands and musicians doing to ensure their name is unique to them, and them alone?\\n\\nGuest: Alan Cross, Music Historian & Journalist; Author 'A Journal of Musical Things' & Host, The Ongoing History of New Music"