How do you feel about Hamilton opting in on legal pot shops? Why is it so difficult to remember our dreams? & Sports Talk with Don Robertson

Published: Jan. 15, 2019, 2:23 a.m.

b'Hamilton city council symbolically voted 10-6 to \\u201copt in\\u201d late Monday afternoon, but that had already been decided when Ward 4 Councillor Sam Merulla\\u2019s motion to \\u201copt out\\u201d was defeated in an 8-8 stalemate.In short, Hamilton will be opting in on allowing legal pot shops. Scott asks callers how they feel about this.-Why is it so difficult to remember our dreams? Scott speaks with a dream expert and asks all of his dream-related questions.Guest: Dr. Deirdre Leigh Barrett, assistant professor of psychology in the department of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, author of multiple books on dreaming, including "The New Science of Dreaming"-Scott and Don Robertson of the Dundas Real McCoys are in studio for their Monday night sports chat, where they discuss the CFL\'s combine in Mexico and whether or not celebrations are too silly for the NHL.'