How can Alberta make cuts without push-back but Ontario can't? What kind of renovations are coming to EPCOT Centre? What brings Max Weinberg's Jukebox to Burlington?

Published: Oct. 25, 2019, 1:51 a.m.

b"Alberta's provincial government has released the cuts it'll be making to the budget and Albertans are welcoming it with open arms. How is it that it's fine when Alberta does it but when it happens in Ontario, the pitchforks and torches start coming out?\\n\\nGuest: Matt Gurney, National Post Columnist\\n\\n-\\n\\nA massive renovation is coming to EPCOT. Although it isn't know how many millions of dollars The Walt Disney Company will sink into the edu-tainment centre, the question of how a construction project like this might affect the other parks has to be asked along with what the future of EPCOT holds.\\n\\nGuest: Lena Almeida, Travel writer and blogger\\n\\n-\\n\\nThe drummer of the E Street Band and also the leader of Conan O'Brien's live band is coming to Burlington for a unique experience called Max Weinberg's Jukebox. The catch with this kind of concert is you choose the songs and can enjoy it this Sunday at the Burlington Performing Arts Centre.\\n\\nGuest: Max Weinberg, professional drummer & star of Max Weinberg's Jukebox"