How are the three main party leaders performing less than 2 weeks before election day? How has "shrinkflation" affected food in Canada? & Sports Talk with Don Robertson

Published: May 29, 2018, 12:56 a.m.

b'Following the leaders debate on Sunday night, Scott and Brad Clark rip into all three main party leaders for their performances - both during the debates and over the course of the campaign so far.Guest: Brad Clark, former Hamilton city councillor, MPP and Minister of Transport & Labour, currently a principal at Maple Leaf Strategies-A new estimate says between 15% and 20% of all packaged food in Canada has shrunk over the past 5 years. It\'s called "shrinkflation".Guest: Dr. Sylvain Charlebois, professor and researcher in food distribution and policy, Dean of the Rowe School of Business at Dalhousie University-There\'s plenty to talk about in the world of sports, and Scott and Don Robertson of the Dundas Real McCoys touch on all kinds of sports news, including the Hamilton Bulldogs\' performance in the Memorial Cup, the Stanley Cup final, and too many strikeouts in baseball.'