How are Hamilton's transportation woes (current and future) being addressed? & Will the music industry ditch live acts for digital ones?

Published: Jan. 19, 2024, 2:52 a.m.

b"Moving through Hamilton is a challenge and it seems that those trips in the community are slowing down. With housing being close to the top of the biggest issues that City Council has to deal with, transportation is right up there with it. How will it be addressed? Scott asks none other than Hamilton's own John-Paul Danko.\\nGuest: John-Paul Danko, Councillor, Ward 8, City of Hamilton\\n-\\nHow will AI shape the way our music is created? Will the industry prefer holograms and AI over live acts? Scott knows just the person to help navigate both of these questions and the music industry as a whole.\\nGuest: Eric Alper, Music Publicist & Commentator"