Hamilton's newfound surplus of money, The constitutionality of Canada's COVID-19 restrictions & Sports Talk with Don Robertson

Published: April 27, 2021, 2:40 a.m.

b"Hamilton was previously staring down the barrel of a massive financial deficit but it appears this isn't the case anymore and instead we've got a huge surplus! Where did this come from and how will the city be using its newfound money?\\n\\nGuest: Lloyd Ferguson, Ward 12 Councillor, City of Hamilton\\n\\n-\\n\\nCanadians have seen more and more restrictions get put in place with the hopes that they'll curb the spread of COVID-19. Regardless of what the end-goal is, there's no denying that there are some questions that need asking regarding the\\xa0 constitutionality of those restrictions. Even if Canadians' charter rights are being violated, do Canadians care?\\n\\nGuest: Ryan O'Connor, Lawyer & Partner, Zayouna Law Firm\\n\\n-\\n\\nShould Olympic athletes all be given their full vaccinations so the Olympics can be held? Why did the IIHF cancel the Women's World Hockey Championship? Scott and Don discuss these questions and more in Sports Talk with Don Robertson.\\n\\nGuest: Don Robertson, Head Coach & Owner, Dundas Real McCoys & Broker of Record, ComChoice Realty"