Hamilton's new Ward 5 councillor, A potential new way of getting to space & Should we keep teaching cursive writing in school?

Published: Nov. 17, 2021, 4:06 a.m.

b'There\'s a new member of Hamilton City Council however to say that he\'s new to politics wouldn\'t be quite accurate. The now-Ward 5 councillor is also a former Dundas councillor and a former Liberal MP named Russ Powers and he was sworn in today.\\n\\nGuest: Russ Powers, Ward 5 Councillor, City of Hamilton, Former Liberal MP & Former Dundas Councillor\\n\\n-\\n\\nEver since humans have launched rockets into space, the search for a better way has been ongoing. A new company hopes to explore another way into space by spinning rockets really fast around a wheel and then throwing them. How realistic is this method and could we be seeing rotary accelerators become the new way to space?\\n\\nGuest: Dr. Jesse Rogerson, Astrophysicist; Assistant Professor, Department of Science & Technology Studies, York University\\n\\n-\\n\\nWhile it\'s no secret that the skill of cursive writing is waning, there are some who want to see it continue for a myriad of reasons. How important is it for kids to be taught how to write in school?\\n\\nGuest: Michael Zwaagstra, Columnist; Senior Fellow, Frontier Centre for Public Policy; Author, "A Sage on the Stage: Common Sense Reflections on Teaching and Learning" & Public High School Teacher in Manitoba'