Hamilton's arena debate continues; Is early death really associated with pop? Do Canadian NBA players owe Basketball Canada anything?

Published: Sept. 5, 2019, 1:06 a.m.

b"Hamilton City Council is talking about what should be done with the current FirstOntario Centre, fix the arena or build a new one. If the latter option is chosen, where should it go? Scott asks you to find out what you think about the decision and if it were yours to make, where would you put it?\\n\\n-\\n\\nRecent studies and reports have shown pop is associated with early death among other things. Is that really the case?\\n\\nGuest: Shannon Crocker, food and nutrition consultant\\n\\n-\\n\\nIt doesn't look like Canada will be competing in the Olympics for basketball based on their performance at the Basketball World Cup. Despite having elite players who come from this area, why is it that the only person who truly seems interested in Basketball Canada, is Nick Nurse who's from the US? Do Canadian NBA players owe Basketball Canada anything?\\n\\nGuest: Bubba O'Neil, sports anchor at CHCH"