Hamilton Day is back one year later. Is it becoming an annual tradition?

Published: Nov. 4, 2022, 1:21 a.m.

b'Last year around this time, the people behind Hamilton Day had brought it back after a long time without it. Now we hear it\'s returning this year as well, possibly becoming an annual tradition going forward.\\nChrystia Freeland, the Finance Minister gave her mini-budget. The good news: the federal government brought in revenues of roughly $40 BILLION more than what was projected (though most of the reason might be because of inflation). The Bad News (depending on who you ask): is sounds like the Federal govenrment might pour this right back into the market, which seems to have been the cause of our inflation problem. We talk to Dr Ian Lee more about this.\\nThe CFL announced their All-Stars list... SYKE! They announced that there was a msitake with how the list was put together, so the "All-Stars" are not All-Stars anymore.'