Hamilton city councillor candidate and school trustee candidate endorsing each other - is this a first? What if kids called the shots in the classroom? & the Keeper of the Stanley Cup politely asks that it not be used for keg stands

Published: Sept. 5, 2018, 1:13 a.m.

b'Ward 9 councillor candidate Brad Clark and school board trustee candidate Cam Galindo are mutually endorsing each other in the upcoming municipal election. Has something like this ever happened before?Guest: Peter Graefe, associate professor of political science, McMaster University-What if kids could call the shots in the classroom? An unsual education model called "unschooling" involves no homework, no tests, and no emphasis on grades. A Calgary author, Judy Arnall, is releasing a book called\\xa0Unschooling to University, which follows the trajectory of 30 unschooled children who entered or graduated from postsecondary institutions.Guest:\\xa0Judy Arnall, president of the Unschooling Canada Association-The Stanley Cup has had a rough summer in the hands of the Washington Capitals. The NHL is now politely asking teams who win the Stanley Cup to treat it with a bit more respect - which includes not using it for keg stands in the future.Guest: Phil Pritchard, official Keeper of the Stanley Cup'