Golden State Warriors' disappointing lineup against the Spurs, higher prices for Leafs tickets, removing scales from a university gym, and should an alleged former Nazi go to trial at the age of 98?

Published: March 14, 2017, 1:39 a.m.

b'This past weekend, the Golden State Warriors\\xa0sent out a lineup without their five superstar players. Guest: Rick Zamperin, CHML news and sports - The Toronto Maple Leafs are raising ticket prices in efforts to make more tickets available to fans and to cut down on re-sellers\\u2019 profit. Guest: Rick Zamperin, CHML news and sports - Carleton University is facing backlash after removing a weight scale from its gym. - Scott asks \\u2013 should a 98-year-old man in Minnesota who is allegedly a former Nazi commander go to trial for his crimes?'