First potholes, now traffic jams, will the complaining end? How did the The Bachelor upset this many people? What's Ben's Story of the Day? Will the Bulldogs ever win The Hamilton Spectator Cup?

Published: March 8, 2018, 3:22 a.m.

b"People were complaining about the number of potholes in Hamilton so the city jumped on fixing Main Street. The city started fixing Main Street so fast that now people are complaining about traffic jams! What would you rather have, traffic jams or potholes?\\n\\nGuest: Dan McKinnon, City of Hamilton's Head of Public Works-Reality shows are known for being over the top with drama and now there is some lashback with The Bachelor being insensitive. What could The Bachelor do to upset so many people and are the people right?\\n\\nGuest: Robert Thompson, Pop Culture Expert-Three stories, one winner. Scott has three stories but only one can be crowned the best so he turned to his producer, Ben, to decide. What are the stories and which will Ben choose?-The Hamilton Bulldogs have already clinched a playoff spot but tonight they have a chance to take the first spot in the Eastern Conference. They've improved so much in just a few years, could we see the Bulldogs be awarded The Hamilton Spectator Cup next year?\\n\\nGuest: Teri Pecoskie, Hamilton Bulldogs Reporter for The Hamilton Spectator"