Female reporter is sexually harassed at Mohawk College, who will win the Vanier Cup and can High Intensity Training help preserve your memory?

Published: Nov. 24, 2017, 4:07 a.m.

b"We've been hearing a lot about celebrities being accused of committing sexual misconduct, harassment, etc and there doesn't seem to be an end to this list in the near future. Recently a female reporter from CHCH was sexually harassed on two occassions at Mohawk College who, while delivering an interview, had an offensive phrase yelled at her.\\xa0\\n\\nGuest: Britt Dixon, Reporter at CHCH-This Saturday may be the best Vanier Cup game in history where the Western Mustangs will be going up against the Laval Rouge et Or here in Hamilton at Tim Horton's Field. Laval's defense is unparalleled and Western's offense is unstoppable which will surely make for an amazing game. Who will you be rooting for to win the Vanier Cup, Laval or Western?\\n\\nGuest: Rick Zamperin, Senior Sports Director at 900 CHML-We've been told that once your brain cells are gone, they're gone forever but that simply isn't true. A study has been done that shows that intense exercise helps improve your memory and promotes the production of new brain cells in your hippocampus. This study has shown that this is beneficial to people who have had heart issues, diabetes, obesity and are older in age! Are you going to start High Intensity Training to preserve your memory?\\n\\nGuest: Dr. Jennifer Heisz, Professor of Kinesiology at McMaster University"