Federal government spends tens of billions on interest alone, No COVID spike after the Blue Jays' opening game, why? No OHL season this year & A closer look at Derek Chauvin's trial

Published: April 21, 2021, 2:34 a.m.

b"Something that seems to be overlooked quite a bit is the fact that every year sees the federal government spend an incredible amount of money on nothing but interest payments for all the money it owes. There's many things those tens of billions could be spent on, too bad all those taxes go to the banks.\\n\\nGuest: Aaron Wudrick, Federal Director, Canadian Taxpayers Federation\\n\\n-\\n\\nAbout two weeks ago, the Toronto Blue Jays played their opening game in Texas in front of 40,00 fans, many of whom were unmasked. Fast forward to today and we'll see that there has yet to be any spike in COVID-19 cases as many predicted. Why was there no spike and is there something more going on?\\n\\nGuest: Dr. Karen Mossman, Professor, Department of Pathology & Molecular Medicine & Vice-President of Research, McMaster University\\n\\n-\\n\\nToday saw the Ontario Hockey League make the difficult decision to cancel this year's season. How will this impact the those who work and play in the league as well as Hamilton's own team, the Hamilton Bulldogs?\\n\\nGuest: Michael Andlauer, Owner, Hamilton Bulldogs\\n\\n-\\n\\nThe trial of the former police officer charged in the death of George Floyd has come to an end with a guilty verdict on all charges. How did one act merit several charges? Could there be an appeal based on the words said by a member of Congress? Scott gets answers to all these questions and more.\\n\\nGuest: Jeff Manishen, Criminal Lawyer & Associate Counsel, Ross & McBride LLP"