Fallout from MPP Sarah Jama's controversial statement on Israel, Redeveloping Stelco's land in Hamilton, The Maple Leafs' home opener & An inside look at the new documentary, 'Mr. Dressup: The Magic of Make-Believe'

Published: Oct. 13, 2023, 3:36 a.m.

b"The Israel-Hamas conflict brought about many statements from politicians of all stripes but one, in particular, brought about extra consternation.\\nGuest: John Best, Publisher of The Bay Observer\\n-\\nEfforts to redevelop some of the Stelco's land in Hamilton are underway as a master plan is being put together with the intention of submitting it within the coming months.\\nGuest: Steven Dejonckheere, Overseeing development for Slate Asset Management on the Stelco Hamilton Land\\n-\\nThe Maple Leafs have played their season opener as the Ticats are fighting to finish their season with a pleasing outcome. How are both teams playing and what's needed on each front?\\nGuest: Bubba O'Neil, CHCH sports anchor and analyst with the Ticats Audio Network\\n-\\nA new documentary is pulling back the curtain to reveal the unbelievable amounts of kindness and genius behind the beloved kid's TV show, Mr. Dressup.\\nGuest: Rob McCallum, Director of\\xa0'Mr. Dressup: The Magic of Make-Believe'"