Does Harry & Meghan's schtick have a shelf life? What changes are coming to the Blue Jays? & Recounting the history of soft rock

Published: Dec. 14, 2022, 2:34 a.m.

b"For people who claim to want their privacy, Harry and Meghan sure do a lot to stay in the public eye. The story they keep selling is being made in all mediums possible but what do they have to sell after everyone knows their story? Do they have a shelf life?\\nGuest: Nathan Tidridge, Waterdown high teacher and author of six books on the Crown and its role in Canada\\n-\\nIt isn't even Christmas yet and the Blue Jays are making some pretty big moves. What could next season' Jays look like and are they poised for a World Series win?\\nGuest: Mike Wilner, Baseball columnist and podcaster with the Toronto Star\\n-\\nMany music genres have had their story told but soft rock is one that's fallen by the wayside despite being a seemingly ever-present sound for many years. What place does soft rock have in our history?\\nGuest: Eric Alper, Publicist and music commentator"