Does a new arena HAVE to be built downtown? Should Paul Fromm be allowed to speak before City Council? Why did several veteran sports broadcasters suddenly get cut loose?

Published: Sept. 4, 2019, 1:54 a.m.

b"FirstOntario Centre isn't getting any younger and the City is starting to realize that. The question, build a new arena or fix the current one, is still being asked and a new report has been focused on where in the downtown a new one could be built. Some councillors are starting to ask, does it HAVE to go downtown?\\n\\nGuest: Esther Pauls, Ward 7 Councillor\\n\\n-\\n\\nThere's much debate over whether or not a controversial speaker should be allowed to speak before council. Paul Fromm has been described as a white supremacist and some people are saying he shouldn't be allowed to speak in a public forum because of that very description. Scott opens the lines to hear what you think about whether or not he should be allowed to speak.\\n\\n-\\n\\nA massive exodus of veteran sports broadcasters has hit Rogers. The company signed a huge contract for NHL broadcast rights a few years back and there's some speculation that we're seeing the fallout from it as financial decisions must be made. Is this what we're really seeing or could there be something more happening in the background?\\xa0\\n\\nGuest: David Shoalts, Author of 'Hockey Fight in Canada: The Big Media Faceoff Over the NHL'"