Do you think political attack ads work? What kind of performances will be shown during Hamilton Arts Week? Why is a former NHL player being awarded with an honourary doctorate? Can you guess these alternative movie titles?

Published: June 12, 2019, 12:46 a.m.

b'Chances are you were watching the Toronto Raptors last night and likely saw the political attack ads against the Liberals and Conservatives. Do they work and do they influence your decision or are you annoyed by them?\\n\\n-\\n\\nHamilton Arts Week is starting soon! With the vibrant arts community in Hamilton, what kind of performances will be on display and when can you see them?\\n\\nGuest: David Hudson, Community Engagement Officer with Hamilton Arts Council\\n\\n-\\n\\nA former NHL hockey player is being awarded an honourary doctorate from Brock University. What has he been doing and why did it attract the attention of Brock?\\n\\nGuest: Reggie Leach, former NHL player and honourary doctorate recipient\\n\\n-\\n\\nMany of the movies you have come to know and love were actually conceived with a different name. Scott decided he should challenge Ben to guess what some of these movies ended up actually being named, can you guess their real names?'