Do video games make kids violent? Why did a Hamilton woman walk every street in the city? & "Hockey Fight In Canada" and how the CBC lost Hockey Night In Canada

Published: Oct. 3, 2018, 2:08 a.m.

b'Do video games make kids violent? A new study has found that there may be something of a connection.Guest:\\xa0Jay G. Hull, Dartmouth Professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Associate Dean of Faculty for the Social Sciences-This past weekend, a Hamilton woman finally finished successfully walking every single street in the city of Hamilton. Why did she do this and what has she learned from her journey throughout the streets of our city?Guest:\\xa0Anita Joldersma, local writer-A new book is out that dives into the story of how the CBC lost Hockey Night in Canada.Guest: David Shoalts, veteran sportswriter, author of "Hockey Fight in Canada: The Big Media Faceoff Over the NHL"'