Do Canadians even want to stop working from home? How is government spending contributing to inflation's rise? & Pop music's recycling seems to be faster than ever

Published: Sept. 16, 2022, 3:06 a.m.

b"Are you preparing to start going back to work on-site or hunkering down to keep working from home? Do you even want to stop working from home?\\nGuest: Dr. Andrew Parkin, Executive Director, Environics Institute\\n-\\nWhy does it seem like there isn't a government nor party who has any intention of saving or cutting back on spending? Could all this spending, this time from Doug Ford, be part of what's contributing to inflation's rapid rise?\\nGuest: Jay Goldberg, Ontario Director & Interim Atlantic Director, Canadian Taxpayer Federation\\n-\\nThere's almost a recycling of music nowadays as entire catalogues get bought and re-released and covers are put out and sampling pulls favourite clips & obscure ones alike. How has this contributed to a lack of 'new-ness' by regurgitating popular music of the past?\\nGuest: Eric Alper, Publicist, Music Commentator & Shameless Idealist"