Discussing the breaking news surrounding MP Han Dong & Will the world change from the US dollar to the Chinese yuan?

Published: March 23, 2023, 2:54 a.m.

b"Tonight's breaking news surrounding Liberal MP Han Dong's recommendation to a Chinese diplomat to delay the release of the Two Michaels came as a massive shock. Scott is joined by CHML's very own Bill Kelly to talk more about this.\\nGuest: Bill Kelly, Host of The Bill Kelly Show, 900 CHML\\n-\\nThere are talks about the world's economy changing away from the US dollar and moving towards the Chinese yuan. Would this cause a practical shift in the world or would it merely be symbolic? How likely is it to happen some day?\\nGuest: Dr. Eric Kam, Professor of Macroeconomics, Monetary Economics, International Monetary Economics, Implications of Monetary Growth, with Toronto Metropolitan University"