Could there be more than one reason for the recent increase in autistic dignoses?; The McMaster Marauders football team welcomes back head coach Stef Ptaszek

Published: Aug. 23, 2019, 1:52 a.m.

b"There has been an increase recently of children being diagnosed with autism. The number of cases of autism may not actually be increasing as much as this number says. What could these other possible reasons be for the increase? Also, the definition and diagnosis criteria of autism has been changing over the years, causing people to be diagnosed as autistic, when they are not. This in turn, takes away the help and funding from many people who really do need it.\\xa0\\xa0\\n\\nGuest: Dr. Isabelle Soulieres, The Universit\\xe9 du Qu\\xe9bec \\xe0 Montr\\xe9al\\n\\n-\\n\\nWith their new football season just beginning, the McMaster Marauders are welcoming back new head coach Stef Ptaszek. Stef joins Scott live from the practice field to talk about working with this year's new team and new players, what has worked and hasn't worked so well throughout his coaching career, and what everyone is expecting of him and his return to the team, as well as the team's success.\\n\\nGuest: Stef Ptaszek, head football coach of the McMaster Marauders"